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The Art of Photography: The Magic of Freezing Memories

Photography is a powerful art form of freezing memories and expressing emotions. By viewing the world through cameras, you can capture not only a moment, but also a state of emotion. Here are the basics of photography...

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What is a Product Catalog and why is it needed?

A product catalog is a type of marketing collateral that lists key product details that help buyers make a purchasing decision. These details include product features, descriptions, dimensions, price, weight, availabi...

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Catalog design principles

Catalog design consists of color, photography, printing techniques, pagination and visual designs and is related to the designer's creativity and design process. Graphic design is presented in electronic and print...

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Minimalism in logo design

What is minimalism?

Taking a minimalist approach to your logo design will save your consumers from the clunky and gaudy designs of your less sophisticated competitors and cement your place a...

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Product Photography Tips and Process

Of course, for those of us who don't know the difference between Nikon and Kodak, product photography can seem a bit daunting. And for small businesses on a budget, investing in expensive photography equipment is ...

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Types of Product Photography

The human brain can process images in just 13 milliseconds - which means you don't have much time to make a good first impression on your customers.

What customers see is often a deciding factor in wheth...

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How to Develop an App: A 10-Step Guide

If you're stuck on the question of how to develop an app, you need to start by defining your app concept, target audience and features before moving on to creating a user interface, testing and uploading to the ap...

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Principles of Logo Design: How to Choose a Logo for Your Business

Logos. Let's talk about them, shall we?

A logo is a necessity for your business and building your brand, but it's also a sticking point for many people.

What should your logo look like? Sho...

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8 inspiring graphic design trends

Much like the impact of photography on the art world in the 19th century, we find ourselves in the midst of a profound shift in the world of graphic design trends. Artificial Intelligence is at the center of this crea...

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Blog ImageNur Oğuz

12 modern color palettes to elevate your brand

Color is an amazing thing. This shared cognitive experience of interpreting wavelengths of reflected light and assigning them to the perceived illusions we call color is mind-boggling. And when you consider that color...

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