Step-by-Step Guide: Setting Up POP3 Mail in Outlook
We will explain step by step how to set up POP3 mail for Outlook Mail Program on our computers with Windows, the most widely used operating system today. By following this guide you can easily configure your mail account.
Let's get started...
1- Open Outlook mail program and click on the "File" tab in the upper left corner.
2- Under the "File" tab, select "Account Settings > Account Settings" and go to the screen to add your mail account.
3- In the "Account Settings" tab, click on the "New" button to start adding a new mail account.
4- In the "Add Account" tab, check "Manual installation or additional server types" and click "Next" to proceed to the next step.
5- Activate the "POP or IMAP" option and click "Next".
6- Make the following settings in the "POP and IMAP Account Settings" tab:
Your Name: Enter the name of your mail account or your name.
Email Address: Enter the address of your mail account.
Account Type: Check the POP3 option.
Incoming Mail Server: mail.sitadiniz.uzanti
Outgoing Mail Server: mail.sitadiniz.uzanti
After adjusting the settings, click on the "More Settings..." button.
7- Go to the "Advanced" tab by checking "Authentication required for my outgoing server (SMTP)".
8- Set the following port numbers in the "Advanced" tab:
Leave SSL/TLS options off.
POP3 Port No: 110
SMTP Port No: 587
9- After making the necessary settings in the "Other Settings" tab, click "Next" to complete the installation.
10- Test the connection of the settings made during the setup phase with the server and check the results in the "Check Account Settings" window.
11- Mail setup in POP3 format in your Outlook mail program installed on Windows operating system has been completed successfully.
Now you can use your Outlook mail program with POP3 mail settings.